Who should I talk to about porn addiction?

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Who should I talk to about porn addiction?

27 January, 2023Articles, News

Porn addiction refers to a person becoming emotionally dependent on pornography to the point that it interferes with their daily life, relationships, and ability to function.

Common symptoms of porn addiction include:

  • Spending large amounts of time watching porn
  • Being unable to stop using porn or behaviours associated with porn, despite repeated attempts to do so
  • Experiencing cravings to view porn
  • Becoming angry or hostile when asked to stop using porn
  • Requiring increasing amounts or more explicit porn to gain the same satisfaction
  • Losing interest in intimacy with one’s partner
  • Abandoning social activities to use porn
  • Keeping all or part of one’s porn use secret from loved ones

Meanwhile, counsellors and advocates who endorse the existence of pornography addiction argue that, like other addictions, this is a complex issue with a range of possible causes. Some of these causes may include:

  • Underlying mental health conditions: A person might use pornography to escape psychological distress.
  • Relationship problems: Pornography can be an outlet for sexual dissatisfaction.
  • Unhealthy cultural norms: Ideas about how people should look and behave during sex, the types of sex that a person should enjoy, and similar norms may draw some people to pornography.
  • Biological causes: Certain biological factors, including changes in brain chemistry when a person views porn, may increase the risk of addiction.

Treatments and natural remedies

Some people seeking treatment for pornography addiction may instead benefit from addressing other issues, such as relationship problems, sexual shame, or depression. Therefore, if a person opts for counselling, it is important to choose a counsellor who understands and can manage these issues.

Some treatment strategies may involve:

  • Psychotherapy: This can help a person understand their relationship with porn, identify unmet sexual needs, and develop strategies for dealing with psychological distress.
  • Relationship counselling: Couples’ counselling can help partners talk about their values, determine whether porn has a place in their relationship, and cultivate deeper trust.

A counsellor may be able to help with pornography addiction and other sex and relationship issues. It may be a good idea to see a counsellor if:

  • Pornography causes relationship problems.
  • A person feels guilty about their pornography use.
  • A person wants to cut down on their pornography use but feels unable to do so.

Counsellors hold varying views on pornography — some may believe that all pornography use is harmful, while others may think that it is never addictive.

Anyone seeking treatment should choose a counsellor whose values align with their own. Interview the counsellor about their beliefs and philosophy before committing to treatment.

Get Help Now

If you’re someone that’s addicted to porn and have tried to quit unsuccessfully on your own, it may be time to seek help. Know that you are not alone in this struggle and that there are rehabilitation opportunities out there. You can find online counselling, or impatient rehabilitation centers near you on the internet.

No Obligation Addiction Assessment

Book a No Obligation Confidential Assessment at your nearest Treatment Centre Today.

Johannesburg Admissions: +27 74 895 1043
Pretoria Admissions: +27 82 653 3311

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