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  • 12 step recovery
    • The 12 steps were initially only found in Alcoholics Anonymous, but since its success in helping alcoholics has been so widely reported, the 12 steps have been used in a variety of peer support programmes addressing every addiction from alcoholism to smoking. In each of these fellowships the 12 steps and 12 traditions are adapted as necessary to address that groups particular problem.

      12 Step recovery is unique in that it gives people the opportunity to find a long-term solution to their problem, not just for the duration of their professional treatment. At Crossroads Recovery Centre we make the 12 steps a cornerstone of the professional work done so that when our clients leave treatment they know where they can find help. This approach equips each person with the needed skills and resources to address their problem in a meaningful way without the need for lifelong therapy and professional intervention.

      The 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous is used as the ground work for treatment at Crossroads Recovery Centre. These are used in conjunction with group and individual therapy, as well as fellowship meetings, to educate and guide a person into their new life in sobriety and recovery.

      At Crossroads Recovery Centre we recommend a minimum stay of 28 days. This lays a solid foundation for a persons long-term recovery. In these 28 days a client will be expected to finish the first 3 steps as well as a life story. Clients staying for a second 28-day period will complete steps 4 to 8. Finally, clients who stay for the full duration, 84 days, will complete all 12 steps.

      At Crossroads Recovery Centre we will always recommend that a person stay for the full programme duration (84 days), if it is a viable option for the client and their family. The research, and our own experience, has shown that the longer a client stays in primary care treatment, the higher their chances of maintaining long-term sobriety.
  • Group therapies
    • Process group
      Process group is the most common type of therapeutic group given at Crossroads Recovery Centres. An addictions counsellor is present and facilitates the running of the group while each client is asked to participate. Group therapy is an intensive process, clients are asked to be vulnerable and give feedback to one another. This process is incredibly beneficial as it is the best way for clients to bring the issues they may have to light and start to deal with them in a supporting environment.

      Gender group
      In gender groups men and women are separated. This gives each client space to address any gender-specific problems they may have. A counsellor facilitates the group and prepares topics for discussion and reflection. We find that separating the genders gives our clients an opportunity to talk about issues and concerns that they may feel uncomfortable addressing in front of members of the opposite sex. It is a format which encourages a deeper discussion about issues that may be gender-specific and gender-sensitive, for example; sexual abuse, love and sex addiction, marriage problems, sexual dysfunction and expectations set by gender roles.

      Spiritual group
      Spirituality is a cornerstone of 12 step recovery programmes. In these groups counsellors address a number of issues related to spirituality. These include topics such as meditation, practicing spiritual principles and finding new ways to connect with a higher power of your own understanding. Though topics and thoughts from certain religions may be brought up, at Crossroads Recovery Centre we pride ourselves on being inclusive of all religions and faiths, or lack thereof. These topics encourage discussion and exploration of new ideas related to each individuals spiritual practice so that they may gain a better understating of the 12 steps as a whole.

      Planning and objectives
      Many people come into recovery lacking direction and discipline. Weekly planning and objective groups are structured in a way that encourages our clients to set meaningful and attainable, short-term goals in order to work up to achieving long-term objectives. Each week the clients give a report on whether they achieved their goals or not. They are then held accountable by their peers. This continuous process of goal setting and reporting back, helps our clients learn how to go forward with planning and structure once they leave our facility.

      Exposure group
      From time-to-time it becomes apparent that a person may not be doing as well as expected in treatment. This may be for several reasons. It could be holding on to old ideas, refusing to participate fully, being dishonest or breaking rules in the facility. For whatever reason, the person may be confronted in a group therapy session. In this type of group several counsellors may participate, and the clients peers are given an opportunity to address them directly. We have found that this type of confrontation can be very powerful and can be a good wake-up call for problematic behaviour. Of course, subjects of a sensitive or confidential matter are not handled in this type of confrontation.

      Life story group
      As part of the therapeutic process at Crossroads Recovery Centre, all clients are asked to write a life story. This is presented to the group and the counsellors. The life story combined with behaviour that has occurred in their time at Crossroads Recovery Centre is processed and feedback is given. The client has an opportunity to hear what their peers and counsellors think will help them in their recovery going forward, and what attitudes and behaviours may prove problematic in the long run. From this point our client can move forward with a better understanding of how they can better help themselves.
  • Individual one-on-one counselling
    • Trauma counselling
      Trauma can be defined as a deep psychological wound, one that has a profound impact on the emotional well-being and everyday functioning of the sufferer. Trauma counselling provides an outlet where people can discuss their experiences and develop strategies for dealing with the ongoing difficulties they face as a result. Trauma counselling is done to heal the wounds of the past and to aid the clients in achieving a successful recovery.

      12 steps counselling
      At Crossroads Recovery Centre all the counsellors have experience in working and living the 12 steps of recovery. Written stepwork is used to inform a large part of the individual counselling process. Through processing stepwork with a counsellor, our clients gain insight into their own addiction and how to live successfully once they leave treatment. The integration of the 12 steps in the counselling process means that the clients who leave Crossroads Recovery Centre adjust well to a supportive, non-professional environment, like the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.

      HIV/AIDS pre-test and post-test counselling
      At Crossroads Recovery Centre we offer HIV/AIDS testing and counselling at the request of our clients. The tests are administered by our registered nurse and a qualified counsellor at Crossroads Recovery Centre who supports the client with HIV/AIDS counselling pre and post testing, whatever the results may be.

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Treatment is a Phone Call Away

The road to recovery is not always an easy one but getting yourself or your loved one the best care from the team at Crossroads Recovery Centres provides you with a map to sober, healthy living. No matter how bad things seem, there is hope and it’s just a phone call away.

Johannesburg Admissions: +27 74 895 1043
Outpatients Admissions: +27 82 458 9408
Pretoria Admissions: +27 82 653 3311

Stories of Recovery

  • The encouragement, love and support from the team at Crossroads allowed me to eventually see that I was worth something - that my life could be turned around and that I could accomplish the things that had long been a forgotten dream.
    Oliver VG
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  • On the last day of my stint at Crossroads I could only express gratitude towards all who works there. A wise councillor once commented on my question when one is ready for rehab by explaining that when one is ready for rehab, rehab is ready for you.
    Johan B
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  • I was lost and my soul was broken until I ended up at Crossroads and was introduced to the Twelve Steps. With the help of their excellent staff and amazing support I have recently been clean for 18 months, I could not have done it without them!
    Carla S
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  • "Just for today I am more than three years in recovery. I have Cross Roads to thank for this wonderful gift. Cross Roads helped me to set a firm foundation in my recovery on which I can continue to build."
    Angelique J
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Johannesburg Admissions: +27 74 895 1043
Pretoria Admissions: +27 82 653 3311