A Families Guide to Navigating Addiction Recovery with Crossroads

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A Families Guide to Navigating Addiction Recovery with Crossroads

14 February, 2025Articles, News

The role of family in addiction recovery is both large and broad. For many in recovery, the support of family is critical to them achieving and maintaining sobriety.

The disease of addiction throws the family ecosystem out of balance. Spouses, children, and other loved ones are often the unintended victims of a person’s addiction and can fall into certain family roles of addiction. On the other hand, families can make a huge difference in their loved one’s recovery. Here you’ll learn why addiction is often called a family disease and how you can support your loved one in their recovery.

Family can be defined in many ways. When we talk about family, we don’t always mean the traditional nuclear family (mother, father, children).

Family can include the extended family (grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, etc.) It can also include individuals who are not biological family members but chosen family, e.g., godparents or close friends that serve as chosen family

The involvement of family members in routine addiction treatment has been documented as important for two important and inter-related reasons. First, as mentioned previously, families are negatively affected, and family-focused services can help reduce the harm to individual family members and to the entire family unit.

A second compelling reason for involving families in addiction treatment is that family involvement increases treatment entry, enhances treatment completion, and is also linked with better treatment outcomes for the individual coping with the addiction.

This is relevant when because only 20% (or fewer) of individuals with substance use disorders seek treatment, and among problem gambling individuals only 3%–6% seek professional treatment. Among those who receive treatment, approximately 50% drop out of treatment and treatment completion is one of the factors most closely associated with positive treatment outcomes.

Reach out to Crossroads Recovery Centre in Johannesburg and Pretoria for family support zoom meetings and guidance in addiction recovery.

Rebuilding Relationships: Tips for Family Support

  • The family needs to hold the addict accountable for their behaviour without enabling destructive behaviours.
  • Family members may attend support groups with their loved ones.
  • It is also vital for family members to attend their own support groups for families of addicts.
  • The family can provide love, understanding and stability to provide certainty for the addicts.
  • The family needs to accept that addiction is a disease and the addict would benefit from their help.
  • The family needs to show unconditional love to the recovering addict.
  • Addiction recovery is a long process which requires patience and encouragement and let them know that you believe in them.
  • The family also needs to get the recovering addict the help that they need like counselling or attending support meetings.
  • The families also need to attend family support interventions or groups.
  • The most important tip for building relationships in addiction recovery is that the family do not blame themselves and to know that addiction is not a spectator disease but it requires action from both parties.

Finally creating a supportive and understanding environment is important as this fosters a sense of safety and acceptance for the addict in recovery. The family needs to establish healthy boundaries and clear expectations.

For more tips on rebuilding relationships in addiction recovery, it is vital to contact Crossroads Recovery Centres in Johannesburg and Pretoria as we offer family support zoom meetings online.

No Obligation Addiction Assessment

Book a No Obligation Confidential Assessment at your nearest Treatment Centre Today.

Johannesburg Admissions: +27 74 895 1043
Pretoria Admissions: +27 82 653 3311

Stories of Recovery

  • The encouragement, love and support from the team at Crossroads allowed me to eventually see that I was worth something - that my life could be turned around and that I could accomplish the things that had long been a forgotten dream.
    Oliver VG
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  • On the last day of my stint at Crossroads I could only express gratitude towards all who works there. A wise councillor once commented on my question when one is ready for rehab by explaining that when one is ready for rehab, rehab is ready for you.
    Johan B
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  • I was lost and my soul was broken until I ended up at Crossroads and was introduced to the Twelve Steps. With the help of their excellent staff and amazing support I have recently been clean for 18 months, I could not have done it without them!
    Carla S
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  • "Just for today I am more than three years in recovery. I have Cross Roads to thank for this wonderful gift. Cross Roads helped me to set a firm foundation in my recovery on which I can continue to build."
    Angelique J
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Success Stories From Crossroads Recovery Centres in South Africa (Substance Abuse Rehabilitation)

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Success Stories From Crossroads Recovery Centres in South Africa (Substance Abuse Rehabilitation)

07 February, 2025Articles, News

Success Story

“My name is Helen and I am an addict.

I booked into Crossroads PTA for 2 months. I was 43 years old. My clean date is 3 January  2017. I was broken, but had a plan. One last plan. I was going to get some clean time and go home and fix everything. Crossroads had a different plan for me. Crossroads taught me about my disease, why I did the things I did and why I thought the way I did. I was Powerless, and this made my life super unmanageable.

So how do I fix that?

Get honest and take responsibility for my life and my actions. Go to meetings, get a sponsor. Be of service to others, do the steps and hand your life and will over to a God of my understanding they told me. 

Sounds simple. I was scared, I don’t know this way of life. I also know I don’t want to live the way I was living. I got a job, my first real job in 20 years.

I showed up everyday, trusting that if I just do the “simple” things I was taught at Crossroads. I will be ok.

I had NO IDEA how much my life would change. 9 months into that job, I got my 2nd job as a sales representative  selling a product I had never even heard of. Again just trusting. Walking through the fear and trusting in the “simple” way I was told about. Mostly trusting God. Live honestly, open minded and definitely willing.  From not giving up on me and this new way of life I was trying to live.

I became the top sales representative in our company. 4 years in, I got promoted to Sales Manager. I have been with this company for 8 years now and love what I do.  I have a relationship with my children and I am a proud Granny. I’m filled with hope and I know that no matter what happens in my life today.


Crossroads changed the direction of my life. I always feel like I’m coming home when I go and visit. I will forever be eternally grateful to Crossroads and all the amazing counselors. 

THANK YOU, seems so small for what you have done for ME.”

Success Story

“My name is George and I am an alcoholic.

I found myself hitting rock bottom due to my excessive drinking addiction and I needed help urgently!!

I searched for rehabs and Crossroads Pretoria was my choice for recovery, best choice I ever made as the councilors were so passionate to help me cure my addiction. My 1 month stay changed my life which I never thought is possible, I’m 3 months sober and my personal life as well as my business career has changed so much for the better being sober.

Thank you Crossroad for giving me a second chance at life.”

Success Story

“My name is Andrew and I am currently 3 years and 3 months clean.

This journey of a life beyond my wildest dreams started at Crossroads. During my 3 month stay I got reintroduced to myself, without all of my masks and dishonesty. I received such a good foundation for a healthy life that it set me up to continue growing and living a full life, together with a 12-step program. Since then I have grown into myself and I am learning how to treat myself with respect so that I may treat others the same way. I’ve found (and kept) a great job and I am excelling at it. I’ve made REAL friends who like me for who I am, and that’s because Crossroads showed me how to be myself.

My connection with the God of my understanding is stronger than ever and grows continuously. I have re-established relationships with loved ones. I can proudly say that I am a functioning member of society and I give away what was given to me, and it all started at Crossroads. I firmly believe that this journey would’ve been a lot harder and could possibly have turned out worse if I did not get the help I needed from this life-changing place.”

No Obligation Addiction Assessment

Book a No Obligation Confidential Assessment at your nearest Treatment Centre Today.

Johannesburg Admissions: +27 74 895 1043
Pretoria Admissions: +27 82 653 3311

Stories of Recovery

  • The encouragement, love and support from the team at Crossroads allowed me to eventually see that I was worth something - that my life could be turned around and that I could accomplish the things that had long been a forgotten dream.
    Oliver VG
    Read more
  • On the last day of my stint at Crossroads I could only express gratitude towards all who works there. A wise councillor once commented on my question when one is ready for rehab by explaining that when one is ready for rehab, rehab is ready for you.
    Johan B
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  • I was lost and my soul was broken until I ended up at Crossroads and was introduced to the Twelve Steps. With the help of their excellent staff and amazing support I have recently been clean for 18 months, I could not have done it without them!
    Carla S
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  • "Just for today I am more than three years in recovery. I have Cross Roads to thank for this wonderful gift. Cross Roads helped me to set a firm foundation in my recovery on which I can continue to build."
    Angelique J
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Crossroads recovery center Johannesburg

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Crossroads recovery center Johannesburg

17 January, 2025Articles, News

Crossroads recovery center as a structured institution that deals with treating addiction in all its aspects, and housing close to about 24 inpatients seeking relief from a destructive illness – has a team of qualified and highly trained therapists, providing their expertise and knowledge in the field of addiction, treatment and recovery. The main priority and primary focus is in helping individuals overcome addiction through a therapeutic day, in groups, reading and written work is expected from clients in their participation.
Clients are also tasked with duties, as a form of taking responsibility,,, within this process Clients disruptive behaviors are exposed and through holding groups for such incidents and allowing housemates to give feedback- Clients are then made aware of their falling short and possibilities of relapse.

Take Control of Your Recovery Journey

At Crossroads Recovery Centre, we offer personalised programs to help you maintain your sobriety and navigate life’s challenges. Whether you’re in Johannesburg or Pretoria, we’re here to support you on your recovery journey. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive addiction treatment services and how we can help you stay on track.

Supportive Sobriety Programs in Johannesburg and Pretoria

Whether the client admits to having a problematic addiction crisis or not, our team of Counsellor’s, social worker and house managers don’t shy away from addressing relapse concerns to clients and even their significant others.
How we as crossroads recovery center Johannesburg address relapse concerns with clients family members is not just in one single manner but in a variety of ways, such as in family information session, where clients family members are invited by Counsellor’s of clients and in this session family members are made aware of daily programs taking place in the center and also clients behaviors such as excuses and manipulation is addressed, because those are also behaviors that lead to Relapse.
We as crossroads do not claim to change lives we put in the work and let our clients progress and success in recovery tell the story of our success cases, but however in family information sessions, families are made aware that relapse is a possibility more especially with difficult clients who come to rehab for every other reason except wanting change.
By pointing out concerning behaviors, we somehow teach families to recognize the red flags, alarming behaviors so when relapse happens they can take other necessary steps such as tough love, none enabling and not protecting the clients disease because to baby the addict is to bury the addict.
Even after our clients have long completed their program at crossroads, as Counsellor’s we still suggest that clients come back for follow up sessions, were we have one on ones with our ex clients, get to know were their at in their recovery are they working the program of recovery on the outside and we also conduct regular drug testing whenever they stop by our center for follow up and we have seen how these who have relapsed don’t even make it back for follow up sessions, but however as a team of dedicated addiction Counsellors, social workers and house managers we do not give up on our clients, but those who have relapsed give up on accepting our help.
To also help clients practice responsibility and being accountable, during their exit day we have them fill up an exit plan contract, were clients in the presence of their significant other’s acknowledge the need to participating in their recovery on the outside, accept to go to recovery meetings, regular drug testing and Resisting to be tested to be considered as a relapse, because overall a clean recovering addict with have no problem in being tested for they know they have not used, but one who has picked up will have every reason to try and invade testing.
The contract is signed by both client and significant other during the exit session.
We as crossroads recovery center Johannesburg stuff have also experienced the horrors of addiction and also the freedom that comes with recovery which we still experience, this freedom as our reality today, so we know about relapse, signs and its traumatizing outcomes, so we do all we must do to inform people by all means, that includes our clients, ex clients, outpatient clients families of clients and the general public. We serve passionately.

FAQs and Answers

  1. What services does Crossroads Recovery Centre in Johannesburg offer?
    Crossroads Recovery Centre in Johannesburg provides a structured addiction treatment programme that includes personalised therapy, group sessions, family information sessions, and regular follow-up consultations.
  2. What types of addiction are treated at Crossroads Recovery Centre?
    The centre specialises in treating a range of addictions, including alcohol and drug addiction, by addressing both the physical dependency and the underlying behavioural issues.
  3. How does Crossroads Recovery Centre address relapse concerns?
    The centre tackles relapse through group feedback sessions, family information meetings, and exit plan contracts, ensuring clients and their families are well informed and equipped to recognise red flags.
  4. What does the daily programme at Crossroads Recovery Centre involve?
    Clients participate in a therapeutic day that includes group therapy, individual counselling, reading and written assignments, and practical duties designed to instil responsibility.
  5. How is client responsibility encouraged during treatment?
    Clients are assigned duties and are required to participate in group sessions that provide feedback on disruptive behaviours, as well as sign an exit plan contract with their significant others.
  6. What happens during follow-up sessions at Crossroads Recovery Centre?
    Follow-up sessions include one-on-one consultations and regular drug testing to monitor recovery progress, ensuring that clients remain accountable in their journey to sobriety.
  7. How do family information sessions support recovery?
    Family sessions educate relatives about the daily programme, address concerning behaviours, and help families learn to recognise relapse warning signs and apply supportive, non-enabling strategies.
  8. Can clients return for additional support after completing the programme?
    Yes, Crossroads Recovery Centre encourages ex-clients to attend follow-up sessions, where they receive one-on-one support and undergo drug testing to help maintain their recovery.

No Obligation Addiction Assessment

Book a No Obligation Confidential Assessment at your nearest Treatment Centre Today.

Johannesburg Admissions: +27 74 895 1043
Pretoria Admissions: +27 82 653 3311

Stories of Recovery

  • The encouragement, love and support from the team at Crossroads allowed me to eventually see that I was worth something - that my life could be turned around and that I could accomplish the things that had long been a forgotten dream.
    Oliver VG
    Read more
  • On the last day of my stint at Crossroads I could only express gratitude towards all who works there. A wise councillor once commented on my question when one is ready for rehab by explaining that when one is ready for rehab, rehab is ready for you.
    Johan B
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  • I was lost and my soul was broken until I ended up at Crossroads and was introduced to the Twelve Steps. With the help of their excellent staff and amazing support I have recently been clean for 18 months, I could not have done it without them!
    Carla S
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  • "Just for today I am more than three years in recovery. I have Cross Roads to thank for this wonderful gift. Cross Roads helped me to set a firm foundation in my recovery on which I can continue to build."
    Angelique J
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Managing Holiday Stress in Recovery with Crossroads

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Managing Holiday Stress in Recovery with Crossroads

03 January, 2025Articles, News

The holiday season can be a challenging time for anyone in recovery from substance abuse, and managing holiday stress in recovery requires mindful strategies. At Crossroads, a rehabilitation center dedicated to supporting individuals in their journey toward sobriety, clients receive the tools they need to navigate this often-overwhelming time of year.

The holiday season is filled with social events, family gatherings, and heightened expectations, which can create immense pressure for those in recovery. For individuals who are working through a 12-step program, staying grounded and connected with their recovery goals becomes even more crucial.

Take Control of Your Recovery Journey

At Crossroads Recovery Centre, we offer personalised programs to help you maintain your sobriety and navigate life’s challenges. Whether you’re in Johannesburg or Pretoria, we’re here to support you on your recovery journey. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive addiction treatment services and how we can help you stay on track.

Supportive Sobriety Programs in Johannesburg and Pretoria

Crossroads offers both inpatient and outpatient treatment options, allowing clients to receive the level of support that works best for them. Inpatient treatment offers a controlled environment where individuals can focus entirely on their recovery, free from the stressors that often accompany holiday celebrations. The dedicated staff at Crossroads ensures clients are equipped with coping mechanisms and strategies to manage triggers that may arise during the season.

For those in outpatient treatment, staying connected with their support network is key. Crossroads emphasizes the importance of maintaining regular meetings and check-ins, whether in person or virtually, to stay grounded. The 12-Step program, which guides clients through personal reflection and self-discovery, helps individuals remain mindful of their progress and continue to grow emotionally and spiritually during stressful times.

Crossroads also encourages clients to practice self-care by setting boundaries and making thoughtful decisions about social engagements. This may include avoiding high-risk situations where the temptation to use substances may arise. Learning to say no and prioritizing one’s health can be a powerful way to manage holiday stress in recovery.

Ultimately, the holidays don’t have to derail recovery. By using the support and resources provided by Crossroads, individuals can navigate this challenging season while remaining focused on their long-term sobriety goals.

FAQs and Answers

  1. Why is the holiday season challenging for individuals in recovery?
    The holiday season often involves increased social events, family gatherings, and elevated expectations. These factors can heighten stress levels and trigger cravings or emotional distress, making it more difficult for individuals in recovery to maintain their sobriety.
  2. How does Crossroads help clients with holiday stress in recovery?
    Crossroads provides personalized treatment plans, coping strategies, and a strong support network. Whether clients choose inpatient or outpatient options in Johannesburg or Pretoria, they receive the tools and guidance needed to navigate the holiday season without compromising their progress.
  3. What role do 12-Step programs play during the holidays?
    The 12-Step program offers a structured approach to self-reflection, spiritual growth, and accountability. During the holidays, staying connected to these steps helps individuals remain mindful, recognize potential triggers, and continue working toward long-term sobriety.
  4. How do inpatient treatment options differ from outpatient treatment at Crossroads?
    Inpatient treatment provides a controlled environment free from external stressors, enabling clients to focus solely on recovery. Outpatient treatment allows individuals to continue their daily responsibilities while regularly attending therapy sessions and support groups, making it easier to incorporate recovery practices into everyday life.
  5. Why is self-care essential during the holiday season?
    Self-care helps individuals set boundaries, manage stress, and protect their sobriety. By prioritizing their mental and emotional health, those in recovery can navigate holiday events with greater resilience and lower risk of relapse.
  6. How can one handle high-risk social situations during the holidays?
    Learning to say “no” and avoiding events where substances may be prevalent are effective strategies. Crossroads encourages clients to have a plan in place, practice assertive communication, and rely on their support systems to minimize risk.
  7. What strategies are recommended to maintain sobriety when facing holiday stress?
    Consistent attendance at meetings, open communication with a support network, and ongoing therapy are crucial. Crossroads emphasizes relapse prevention tools and offers resources to help individuals remain focused on their recovery goals.
  8. How can I stay connected to my support network if I travel for the holidays?
    Virtual meetings, phone calls, and online support groups are excellent ways to remain in touch. Crossroads advises clients to schedule regular check-ins and maintain honest communication about their emotional state and any challenges they face while traveling.

No Obligation Addiction Assessment

Book a No Obligation Confidential Assessment at your nearest Treatment Centre Today.

Johannesburg Admissions: +27 74 895 1043
Pretoria Admissions: +27 82 653 3311

Stories of Recovery

  • The encouragement, love and support from the team at Crossroads allowed me to eventually see that I was worth something - that my life could be turned around and that I could accomplish the things that had long been a forgotten dream.
    Oliver VG
    Read more
  • On the last day of my stint at Crossroads I could only express gratitude towards all who works there. A wise councillor once commented on my question when one is ready for rehab by explaining that when one is ready for rehab, rehab is ready for you.
    Johan B
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  • I was lost and my soul was broken until I ended up at Crossroads and was introduced to the Twelve Steps. With the help of their excellent staff and amazing support I have recently been clean for 18 months, I could not have done it without them!
    Carla S
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  • "Just for today I am more than three years in recovery. I have Cross Roads to thank for this wonderful gift. Cross Roads helped me to set a firm foundation in my recovery on which I can continue to build."
    Angelique J
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