Nyaope continues to embed itself in our cities and low-income communities. There are many misconceptions regarding it- what is it? Where did it come from? How is it used? What are the effects? As a result, there are many myths about the drug and it is difficult to find accurate information, as few formal studies have been done on it.
Nyaope has been around for a long time, and has gone by many names depending on where you are in the country -sugars, whoonga, pinch or nyaope are most commonly used but basically, they all refer to a low-grade heroin, cut with other ingredients to bulk up the heroin- a process that would be similar to watering down alcohol. Common additives are- baking soda, sucrose, baby powder, laundry detergent and sometimes rat poison (strychnine). In this way, dealers are able to stretch the heroin, making it very cheap, which is why it has become such a problem in the low-income communities.
Nyaope can be smoked with marijuana or it can be freebased on its own. It can also be diluted and used intravenously. Most users start off smoking it and generally graduate to intravenous usage. This is because addicts build up a tolerance to the drug and in order to get the same effect they experienced in the beginning, they begin to inject rather than smoke nyaope. Injecting nyaope results in a more intense ‘high’, but tolerance continues to build and the potential for overdose becomes a reality.
Nyaope is physically addictive and withdrawal can be painful and physically uncomfortable. Some of the symptoms include;
Severe muscle aches
Stomach cramps and pain
Body cramps
Cold sweats
Runny nose
The fear of withdrawal symptoms causes an intense craving for heroin, resulting in the user doing whatever it takes to avoid the side-effects. When detoxing from nyaope it is important to note that a medical assistance is recommended. Stopping “cold turkey” could result is serious negative consequences to your physical health.
Communities are being held hostage by the nyaope epidemic. The youth gripped by an addiction to nyaope, resort to crime and prostitution ensuring they are able to get their next high. What started for many young adults as experimentation and a method of escaping their socio-economic circumstances, has become a full-blown addiction. A generation of youth, fearful of getting help due to their apprehension surrounding withdrawal symptoms.
If you or a loved one need assistance with an addiction to nyaope – know that help is readily available. The road to recovery is not always an easy one but getting yourself or your loved one the best care from the team at Crossroads Recovery Centre, provides you with a map to sober, healthy living. No matter how bad things seem, there is hope and it is a phone call away. If you or anyone close to you needs help with an addiction to sex, gambling, substances, alcohol or food, please contact us for a free assessment.
The encouragement, love and support from the team at Crossroads allowed me to eventually see that I was worth something - that my life could be turned around and that I could accomplish the things that had long been a forgotten dream.
On the last day of my stint at Crossroads I could only express gratitude towards all who works there. A wise councillor once commented on my question when one is ready for rehab by explaining that when one is ready for rehab, rehab is ready for you.
I was lost and my soul was broken until I ended up at Crossroads and was introduced to the Twelve Steps. With the help of their excellent staff and amazing support I have recently been clean for 18 months, I could not have done it without them!
"Just for today I am more than three years in recovery. I have Cross Roads to thank for this wonderful gift. Cross Roads helped me to set a firm foundation in my recovery on which I can continue to build."
Nyaope is a street drug
that first emerged in the late 2000’s in the Pretoria townships of
Soshanguve and Mamelodi. It has ravaged informal settlements and
poorer communities across South Africa, as it is easily available,
inexpensive and highly physically addictive. It is known by
different street names in other parts of South Africa : ‘whoonga’
or ‘sugars’ in KwaZulu-Natal and ‘pinch’ in the Limpopo and
Mpumalanga regions. It appears as a white or brown powder that is
smoked with marijuana or, as the addiction progresses – sometimes
injected intravenously. The main ingredients in nyaope are low-grade
heroin and marijuana which are frequently cut with various other
substances such as methamphetamines, milk powder and a host of other
easily available items. Though the name of the drug varies from place
to place, the components of the mixture remain the same. Because the
ingredients vary from region to region, many myths about the exact
ingredients of the substance are perpetuated, primarily by the media.
One of these myths is that nyaope users mix antiretrovirals (ARV’s) medications with heroin in order to enhance the effect of the drug. Reports in the media of ARVs being added to nyaope started emerging in 2011 and 2012. According to these reports, several doctors in Soweto reported that their consultation rooms had been ransacked and HIV medication stolen. Media reports also cited HIV patients being robbed of their pills after collecting them from local clinics; others reported patients selling their ARVs to nyaope addicts or dealers. When taken orally as prescribed, an ARV known as Efavirenz is associated with hallucinations, delusions. After seeing a news report about the use of ARVs in nyaope, John Schetz, associate professor at the University of North Texas Health Science Centre in the United States, conducted research into the effects of smoking Efavirenz. His findings, published in the international scientific journal Neuropsychopharmacology, showed that Efavirenz had ” [a] prevailing behavioural effect in rodents [that] is consistent with LSD-like activity”. However, no study has been conducted involving humans smoking Efavirenz. In 2017 the Department of Health replaced Efavirenz with Dolutegravir due to the abnormal rate of liver damage in users of Efavirenz. Many studies have been done on the contents of nyaope and none have recorded the presence of ARV’s within the mixtures.
Another myth regarding
nyaope addicts refers to something called “bluetoothing”. This
particular myth originated when a photograph of nyaope users appeared
in the media. The image went viral in January 2017. The practice of
“bluetoothing” referred to injecting heroin into one user and
that same user drawing their blood and injecting it into another user
and the next user experiencing a high. There is no scientific
evidence to support the idea that this would work in the first place.
Secondly, researchers have questioned users who say that this is not
a practice that occurs amongst themselves.
Nyaope was classified as illegal in March 2014, with the amendment of the Drugs and Trafficking Act of 2014 (Government Gazette, 2014). The Act was amended to include a ban on substances that contain “other prohibited drugs like heroin and dagga, as they are illegal”. People caught using nyaope can now be sentenced for up to 15 years. Those caught selling the concoction face up to 25 years in jail. Data gathered by the South African Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use (SACENDU), shows an increase in the number of patients reporting Nyaope as their primary substance of use in both 2017 and 2018 and the numbers are continuing to climb.
The high from nyaope creates a feeling of euphoria, contentment and relaxation. The effects of smoking nyaope are less potent, and as dependency builds, the preferred method changes to intravenous use as this produces a more intense high. After the initial effects, a feeling of drowsiness can persist for several hours. Harmful or negative side-effects may include:
Infections of the blood, heart, skin, liver and kidneys
Respiratory problems
Extreme weight loss
Extreme muscle and bone pain
Mood swings
Low levels of motivation
Mental confusion
The drug may also
trigger psychiatric episodes in people who already have a genetic
Withdrawing from the
drug needs to be done with medical care. The extreme physical pain
that results from abstaining from the drug, creates challenges in
successful withdrawal. The withdrawal symptoms can present as severe
abdominal cramps, diarrhoea or flu-like symptoms, which can last for
four to six days after the patient has stopped using. Nyaope
temporarily relieves the pain associated with withdrawal, thereby
creating a cyclical pattern of usage. Symptoms may include:
Excessive yawning or sneezing
Stomach cramps
Severe muscle and bone pain
Involuntary spasms
It is thus recommended
that withdrawal from the drug be conducted under the care of trained
medical professionals together with experienced, trained, addiction
There is a dearth of literature on the use of nyaope and the impact it has on individuals and communities. What is known about the drug, has been largely reported by the media and as we have already discussed, much of that is false information. What we are beginning to learn is that addiction to nyaope is particularly pernicious and requires long-term treatment. Relapse rates are, at the moment, high for a variety of reasons. The mixture of heroin and other strong chemicals leaves the addict both physically and psychologically dependent. Nyaope causes major changes to the chemistry of the brain. Recovering addicts need to learn new skills and be motivated to cope with the intense cravings that are associated with this addiction. Success rates for treatment improve, when the family become involved in the treatment. Successful recovery is very much dependent on the support received, the dedication to the programme and large changes in lifestyle.
South Africa has around 80 private drug rehabilitation centres, including those run by SANCA, and eight government facilities. There is a lack of drug rehabilitation services in the public sector and waiting lists are often very long- this, together with the high rates of unemployment in South Africa, means the available private services are unaffordable. Many addicts do not have access to rehab centres. Additionally, the required rehabilitation period is long. At least a full year of intense rehabilitation and family commitment and support are required to successfully rehabilitate a nyaope addict. The situation has become so desperate that some nyaope users even resort to creating their own “rehabilitation” rooms or communities where an addict is often physically restrained. Standard rehabilitation programmes typically remove the addict from his or her social environment, this alone may not be sufficient for someone addicted to nyaope, as upon return, he or she must go back to the same unfavourable social environment, which promotes relapse. An unfavourable social environment is defined as an environment that promotes nyaope use by enabling ease of access to nyaope and an idle lifestyle which does not offer structure in the lives of the users. Factors identified as contributory to drug use include poverty, unemployment and a lack of recreational facilities. A tailored 12-step programme that is uniquely designed to suit the individual user, may hold the key to successful rehabilitation for people who are addicted to this drug.
The consequences of nyaope addiction are long-lasting and devastating, not only for the addict but their families and their communities. Getting professional help is necessary for anyone coming off nyaope, a medical detox is needed- then the addict needs assistance learning to cope and live without the use of substances. If you or a loved one need assistance with detoxing from nyaope – know that help is readily available. The road to recovery is not always an easy one but getting yourself or your loved one the best care from the team at Crossroads Recovery Centre, provides you with a map to sober, healthy living. No matter how bad things seem, there is hope and it is a phone call away. If you or anyone close to you needs help with an addiction to sex, gambling, substances, alcohol or food, please contact us for a free assessment.
The encouragement, love and support from the team at Crossroads allowed me to eventually see that I was worth something - that my life could be turned around and that I could accomplish the things that had long been a forgotten dream.
On the last day of my stint at Crossroads I could only express gratitude towards all who works there. A wise councillor once commented on my question when one is ready for rehab by explaining that when one is ready for rehab, rehab is ready for you.
I was lost and my soul was broken until I ended up at Crossroads and was introduced to the Twelve Steps. With the help of their excellent staff and amazing support I have recently been clean for 18 months, I could not have done it without them!
"Just for today I am more than three years in recovery. I have Cross Roads to thank for this wonderful gift. Cross Roads helped me to set a firm foundation in my recovery on which I can continue to build."
Nyaope is a street drug that has come into widespread use across South Africa, especially in the poorer communities and informal settlements scattered all over the country. One of the main reasons for the rapid spread and use is because it is so inexpensive to acquire and the drug is generally described as being a cocktail of various ingredients; the primary active ingredient being low-grade heroin, which is cut with various other substances to bulk up the weight and price of the product.
Nyaope and Antiretrovirals
For many years it has been said that Nyaope contains antiretroviral drugs. Analysis of samples has shown that this is in fact false due to the drug being cut with various other substances and compositional it differs from area to area. There is no way of telling what’s actually in it. In some areas Nyaope contains methamphetamine.
Effects Of Nyaope
Nyaope can be rolled and smoked with marijuana and/or tobacco or it is diluted and injected intravenously. The “high” from Nyaope creates a feeling of euphoria, contentment and relaxation. The effects of smoking it are less potent, and as dependency builds the preferred method of use becomes intravenous injection as this produces a more intense high. After the initial effects, a feeling of drowsiness and euphoria can persist for several hours. Mental function is clouded and heart functions as well as breathing function are slowed. Other side effects include nausea, vomiting, sneezing, yawning and itching.
Through repeated Nyaope use the user builds up tolerance and physical dependence, this is the main reason that Nyaope users graduate from simply smoking it to injecting. The amounts they use increase and the user needs to use more often in order to avoid the effects of withdrawal.
The fear
of withdrawal and the associated pain is so intense, that users of
Nyaope are willing to go to any lengths to maintain their use.
Dangers Of Nyaope Use
The long-term effects of using Nyaope can be devastating and long-lasting. Those who inject are at risk of contracting blood borne viruses such as HIV and Hepatitis, blood poisoning from the contaminants used to cut the the drug, bacterial or fungal endocarditis, abscesses from continual injecting and decreased kidney function.
The use of Nyaope has risen dramatically in areas with high levels of poverty, the main reason for this is because the drug is highly addictive and cheaply available. The users end up resorting to crime to maintain their use and avoid the intense symptoms of withdrawal. The eventual cost is much higher than the cost of that first hit.
The encouragement, love and support from the team at Crossroads allowed me to eventually see that I was worth something - that my life could be turned around and that I could accomplish the things that had long been a forgotten dream.
On the last day of my stint at Crossroads I could only express gratitude towards all who works there. A wise councillor once commented on my question when one is ready for rehab by explaining that when one is ready for rehab, rehab is ready for you.
I was lost and my soul was broken until I ended up at Crossroads and was introduced to the Twelve Steps. With the help of their excellent staff and amazing support I have recently been clean for 18 months, I could not have done it without them!
"Just for today I am more than three years in recovery. I have Cross Roads to thank for this wonderful gift. Cross Roads helped me to set a firm foundation in my recovery on which I can continue to build."
Nyaope is a drug completely unique to South Africa. In 2009 when abuse of the substance became widespread the rumour mill began to churn. Tabloid headlines have suggested that people purposefully infect themselves with HIV in their desperation to obtain antiretrovirals (ARV’s) for the side-effects of these drugs. Later, reports came out that users were starting a practice called “bluetoothing” in order to share the high. Nyaope has gained infamy in the South African consciousness, but truth and myth need to be separated at some point.
What is nyaope?
Rat poison, pool cleaner, ARV’s, marijuana, heroin, these are but some of the rumoured components that make up this dangerous cocktail. The main component is low grade heroin and the rest of the contents exist solely to bulk up the weight. It takes the form of a grainy brown powder, hence the street name “sugars”. It is also known as Whoonga, the street name used depends on the region. This powder is either combined with marijuana and smoked or it can be injected intravenously.
What are the
dangers of Nyaope?
Since nyaope is composed mostly of heroin, an opiate, the effects are euphoria, relaxation and drowsiness. There is a high risk of overdose, especially when injected intravenously. This is also a consequence of the fact that nyaope is generally sold and used in poorer communities. In an attempt to keep the cost as low as possible, the producers of this drug add a large variety of other drugs and substances; this means that one dose may be vastly more potent than the next.
In addition to the
above, the “bulking” ingredients pose their own risks, and
because these components are generally not advertised by the sellers,
a person who uses this drug can never be 100% sure what they are
actually putting into their body.
With all intravenous drug use, the likelihood of bloodborne diseases like HIV and Hepatitis increases dramatically. Nyaope use also increases the risk of mental disorder and psychosis, these effects may remain long after the use of the drug has stopped.
Opiates are also physically addictive; this means that when use of the drugs stops suddenly, the user will experience withdrawal symptoms. This forms part of the reason why nyaope addicts are so desperate to pursue their next fix, it is an attempt to stay out of the discomfort and pain caused by withdrawal. Symptoms of withdrawal include, but are not limited to, extreme physical pain, vomiting, fever, chills, stomach troubles, anxiety and depression.
How is Nyaope
addiction treated?
The initial days of treatment for a nyaope addict are generally spent on detoxification medication. The dosage and duration of this medication is generally determined by how much and how long the person has been using the drug. It is very important that a doctor assesses and administers the medication and that the client is medically supervised for the duration of the detox.
After the detox process is finished, nyoape addiction is handled therapeutically much the same as other addictions are handled. One-on-one counselling, group therapy and peer support groups are used to facilitate long-term recovery in the client.
All addiction is a lifelong recovery process accessible to all, through the use of peer support groups such as 12 step fellowships like Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous. If you or a loved ones needs assistance please contact us.
Photograph courtesy Al Jazeera.
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The encouragement, love and support from the team at Crossroads allowed me to eventually see that I was worth something - that my life could be turned around and that I could accomplish the things that had long been a forgotten dream.
On the last day of my stint at Crossroads I could only express gratitude towards all who works there. A wise councillor once commented on my question when one is ready for rehab by explaining that when one is ready for rehab, rehab is ready for you.
I was lost and my soul was broken until I ended up at Crossroads and was introduced to the Twelve Steps. With the help of their excellent staff and amazing support I have recently been clean for 18 months, I could not have done it without them!
"Just for today I am more than three years in recovery. I have Cross Roads to thank for this wonderful gift. Cross Roads helped me to set a firm foundation in my recovery on which I can continue to build."