Dangers of Marijuana

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Dangers of Marijuana

24 May, 2019Articles, News

Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the U.S., with an astonishing 22.2 million people in America actively using the drug in July, 2016 alone. While long-term problems and withdrawal symptoms are major concerns to those working to help people with marijuana use disorders, one of the biggest issues is the fact that people with other substance use disorders often start out using marijuana before experimenting with other drugs. Marijuana is just the beginning before people move on to more powerful alternatives including nicotine, alcoholcocaine, and methamphetamine.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports the following statistics about marijuana use.

  • Marijuana accounted for 17% of substance abuse treatment admissions in the United States in 2008.
  • In 2009, nearly 17 million people in the United States, aged 12 and older, had used marijuana in the month prior to the study.
  • Between 2002 and 2008, marijuana usage rates increased every year.
  • In 2009, 42% of high school seniors in the United States had used marijuana at least once.


The short-term effects of marijuana occur because THC rapidly moves from the lungs into the blood. This chemical acts on cannabinoid receptors, leading to a “high” for users. These receptors are found in the parts of the brain that influence concentration, thinking, sensory and time perception, pleasure, memory and coordination. The effects may include :

  • Severe anxiety, including fear that one is being watched or followed (paranoia)
  • Short-term memory problems
  • Very strange behaviour, seeing, hearing or smelling things that aren’t there, not being able to tell imagination from reality (psychosis)
  • Loss of a sense of personal identity
  • Lowered reaction time
  • Increased heart rate (risk of heart attack)
  • Increased risk of stroke
  • Problems with coordination (impairing safe driving or playing sports)


The long-term effects of marijuana can lead to an adverse effect on memory and learning. Those who smoke marijuana consistently when young may experience cognitive impairment as adults even when no longer using the drug. The long-term effects of marijuana can be unpredictable and can also lead to a number of other unwanted effects, such as respiratory issues, difficulties learning and issues with problem-solving.  Additionally, marijuana use has been associated with certain mental health issues such as depression and anxiety and may even worsen symptoms in those with schizophrenia. Long terms effects may include :

  • Poor school performance and a higher chance of dropping out
  • Impaired thinking and ability to learn and perform complex tasks
  • Lower life satisfaction
  • Addiction (about 9% of adults and 17% of people who started smoking as teens)
  • Relationship problems, intimate partner violence
  • Antisocial behaviour

Studies have shown that marijuana withdrawal symptoms can appear less than 1 day after last use, reaching peak intensity between days 2 and 4, and can generally last for 7 to 10 days. Even after withdrawal symptoms have disappeared, it is important to seek treatment to address the underlying causes of the addiction.


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  • The encouragement, love and support from the team at Crossroads allowed me to eventually see that I was worth something - that my life could be turned around and that I could accomplish the things that had long been a forgotten dream.
    Oliver VG
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  • On the last day of my stint at Crossroads I could only express gratitude towards all who works there. A wise councillor once commented on my question when one is ready for rehab by explaining that when one is ready for rehab, rehab is ready for you.
    Johan B
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  • I was lost and my soul was broken until I ended up at Crossroads and was introduced to the Twelve Steps. With the help of their excellent staff and amazing support I have recently been clean for 18 months, I could not have done it without them!
    Carla S
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  • "Just for today I am more than three years in recovery. I have Cross Roads to thank for this wonderful gift. Cross Roads helped me to set a firm foundation in my recovery on which I can continue to build."
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#35 Mental Noise?

08 March, 2019Podcasts, News

Mental Noise? How  do  we  reach  a  shift  in  consciousness  within ourselves ? What  does  it  take  for  this  to  occur ? Is  it  an  external  event  or  an  internal  event ? What  does  finding  enlightenment  for  yourself  have  in  common  with  the  birth  of  the  universe  and  the  possibility  of  there  being  life  on  other  planets ? Both  are  rare  events.

Drawing  an  analogy  between  what  it  takes  to  create  planetary  life  forms  and  what  it  takes  to  reach  enlightenment  for  ourselves, we  take  a  journey  through  the  Fermi  Paradox, the  Boltzmann  Brain  Theory, cataclysmic  events  and  Eckhart  Tolle’s  book  “The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment “ – to  try  and  answer  some  of  these  questions.

Quotes : 

“Some  changes  look  negative  on  the  surface  but  you  will  soon  realise  that  space  is  being  created  in  your  life  for  something  new  to  emerge.” – Eckhart  Tolle.

“To  know  yourself  as  the  Being  underneath  the  thinker, the  stillness  underneath  the  mental  noise, the  love  and  joy  underneath  the  pain  is  freedom, salvation, enlightenment” – Eckhart  Tolle.

I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as I enjoyed the discussion.

This podcast was recorded as a series of lectures given to people in 12 step addiction recovery treatment. The purpose of these talks was to teach and motivate individuals to search for their own spiritual solution to their addiction.

Please feel free to contact me directly or go to our site for more information:



+27 012 345 1186 Pretoria

+27 010 597 7784 Johannesburg

No Obligation Addiction Assessment

Book a No Obligation Confidential Assessment at your nearest Treatment Centre Today.

Johannesburg Admissions: +27 74 895 1043
Pretoria Admissions: +27 82 653 3311

Stories of Recovery

  • The encouragement, love and support from the team at Crossroads allowed me to eventually see that I was worth something - that my life could be turned around and that I could accomplish the things that had long been a forgotten dream.
    Oliver VG
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  • On the last day of my stint at Crossroads I could only express gratitude towards all who works there. A wise councillor once commented on my question when one is ready for rehab by explaining that when one is ready for rehab, rehab is ready for you.
    Johan B
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  • I was lost and my soul was broken until I ended up at Crossroads and was introduced to the Twelve Steps. With the help of their excellent staff and amazing support I have recently been clean for 18 months, I could not have done it without them!
    Carla S
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  • "Just for today I am more than three years in recovery. I have Cross Roads to thank for this wonderful gift. Cross Roads helped me to set a firm foundation in my recovery on which I can continue to build."
    Angelique J
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#33 Flow, finding space

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#33 Flow, finding space

23 February, 2019Podcasts, News

#33 Flow, finding space

“The  last  great  attempt  to  free  consciousness  from  the  dominion  of  the  impulses  and  social  controls, was  psychoanalysis; as  Freud  pointed  out, the two tyrants  who  fought  each  other  for  control  of  the  mind  were  the  Id  and  the  Superego, the  first  a  servant  of  the  genes, the  second  a  lackey  of  society – both  representing  the  “Other”. Opposing  them  was  the  Ego, which  stood  for  the  genuine  needs  of  the  self  connected  to  its  concrete  environment” – Flow The  Psychology  of  Happiness” – Mihaly  Csikszentmihalyi.

What must i do?

The  process  of  recovery  is  a  lifelong  commitment. There  will  be  times  where  we  will  feel  overwhelmed  by  our  circumstances. Sometimes  these  challenges  will  come  from  within  ourselves. How  do  we  get  ourselves  to  a  place, mentally,  where  we  are  able  to  push  through  and  overcome  the  challenges  with  which  we  are  faced. How  do  we  manage  mental  and  emotional  fatigue ? Merely  using  positive  self-talk  is  not  going  to  be  sufficient – we  have  to  know  that  we  can  get  through. We  have  to  build  mental  strength. How  do  athletes  build  this  mental  strength ? How  have  people  with  multiple  years  of  clean  or  sober  time  managed  successfully ?

“Control  of  consciousness  determines  the  quality  of  life.” Flow  :  The  Psychology  of  Optimal  ExperienceMihaly  Csikszentmihalyi.

“If  you  are  interested  in  something, you  will  focus  on  it, and  if  you  focus  attention  on  anything, it  is  likely  that  you  will  become  interested  in  it. Many  of  the  things  we  find  interesting  are  not  so  by  nature, but  because  we  took  the  trouble  of  paying  attention  to  them.” Finding  Flow  :  The  Psychology  of  Engagement  with  Everyday  Life – Mihaly  Csikszentmihalyi.

I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as I enjoyed the discussion.

This podcast was recorded as a series of lectures given to people in 12 step addiction recovery treatment. The purpose of these talks was to teach and motivate individuals to search for their own spiritual solution to their addiction.

Please feel free to contact me directly or go to our site for more information:



+27 012 345 1186 Pretoria

+27 010 597 7784 Johannesburg

No Obligation Addiction Assessment

Book a No Obligation Confidential Assessment at your nearest Treatment Centre Today.

Johannesburg Admissions: +27 74 895 1043
Pretoria Admissions: +27 82 653 3311

Stories of Recovery

  • The encouragement, love and support from the team at Crossroads allowed me to eventually see that I was worth something - that my life could be turned around and that I could accomplish the things that had long been a forgotten dream.
    Oliver VG
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  • On the last day of my stint at Crossroads I could only express gratitude towards all who works there. A wise councillor once commented on my question when one is ready for rehab by explaining that when one is ready for rehab, rehab is ready for you.
    Johan B
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  • I was lost and my soul was broken until I ended up at Crossroads and was introduced to the Twelve Steps. With the help of their excellent staff and amazing support I have recently been clean for 18 months, I could not have done it without them!
    Carla S
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  • "Just for today I am more than three years in recovery. I have Cross Roads to thank for this wonderful gift. Cross Roads helped me to set a firm foundation in my recovery on which I can continue to build."
    Angelique J
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How To Know You’re An Addict

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Having enough insight to self diagnose addiction can be tenuous at best. Have a look at the questionnaire below, its a good guideline. Asking for help is always first prize!

1.Do you lose time from work due to drinking/addiction?
2.Is drinking/addiction making your home life unhappy?
3.Do you drink because you are shy with other people?
4.Is drinking/addiction affecting your reputation?
5.Have you ever felt remorse after drinking/using drugs?
6.Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of drinking/addiction?
7.Do you turn to lower companions and an inferior environment when drinking/using drugs?
8.Does your drinking/addiction make you careless of your family’s welfare?
9.Has your ambition decreased since drinking/addiction?
10Do you crave a drink/use drugs at a definite time daily?
11.Do you want a drink/use drugs the next morning?
12.Does drinking/addiction cause you to have difficulty in sleeping?
13.Has your efficiency decreased since drinking/addiction?
14.Is drinking/addiction jeopardizing your job or business?
15.Do you drink/use drugs to escape from worries or trouble?
16.Do you drink/use drugs alone?
17.Have you ever had a complete loss of memory as a result of drinking/addiction?
18.Has your physician ever treated you for drinking/addiction?
19.Do you drink/use drugs to build up your self-confidence?
20.Have you ever been to a hospital or institution on account of drinking/addiction?

Alcohol and drug rehabilitation centres.

In Pretoria and Johannesburg www.crossroadsrecovery.co.za

No Obligation Addiction Assessment

Book a No Obligation Confidential Assessment at your nearest Treatment Centre Today.

Johannesburg Admissions: +27 74 895 1043
Pretoria Admissions: +27 82 653 3311